Home News Best location to store onions and keep them edible for 6 months...

Best location to store onions and keep them edible for 6 months – won't go mouldy

Stowing away onions in the fridge might seem like a savvy move to fight off mould during those sweltering summer days, yet this common mistake can leave you with squishy bulbs unfit for your culinary creations.

Storing onions in the fridge prompts onions to turn their starches into sugars, hastening a mushy demise. For peak preservation, brown, red, and white onions should be nestled in a dry, cool, shadowy spot with ample airflow.

Indeed, many tuck them into kitchen cupboards, but steer clear of units near heat-spewing appliances that can send temperatures seesawing, simmering up moisture around your alliums.

Garages or cellars reign supreme as onion sanctuaries where, if conditions are just right, they may thrive for half a year.

Moreover, dodge the sun’s beams; its warmth fosters the kind of mould that will ravage onions in no time at all. 

Selecting a prime storage space is crucial, yet how you store onions is just as pivotal. Bid farewell to any plastic packaging from the supermarket; it’s a surefire route to early spoilage.

As the folks at Shop Food Waste caution: “Never keep these items in sealed plastic as it will quickly cause spoilage.” Plastic is a hotbed for dampness and it’s the archenemy of onions and a breeding ground for mould.

The experts suggest that “keeping onions and garlic in a basket or paper bag where air can circulate” is the key to longevity, and when done correctly, “onions and garlic can last up to three to six months”.

How to keep onions fresh?

A net or mesh bag might just be your best bet great airflow and moisture reduction are its forte. If you’re in need of a handy container, look no further than a perforated basket or bin, which is perfect for stashing onions.

Don’t have a mesh bag or basket? Not to worry, an old pair of tights will do the trick.

Simply pop an onion into one leg, tie a knot above it, and repeat to the top. Do the same with the other leg, and voila, ready-to-hang onion storage.

With the right treatment and regular checks, onions can remain edible for months even up to half a year in ideal conditions. Just ensure any bad apples, or rather onions, are removed promptly.

However, remember onions prefer solitude. Keep them separate from other produce to prevent premature spoiling, as they are prone to absorb moisture. Moreover, their strong smell could taint other foods with that distinct onion flavour.

But mind you, this method isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair; spring onions still demand the cool refuge of your fridge. Any bundled variety should be sealed in an airtight container or bag and placed in the crisper drawer to extend its shelf life.


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