Home World The beautiful abandoned station that's frozen in time after being left to...

The beautiful abandoned station that's frozen in time after being left to rot for 22 years

A beautiful abandoned train station in Europe is completely frozen in time – as it hasn’t been used in 22 years.

There is something striking and evocative about an abandoned building that’s nestled in a city thriving with life. Perhaps most confronting of all is an abandoned train station; what was once a hub of activity, with people coming, going and milling around, is suddenly filled with a complete eerie silence.

A perfect example of this is Vyšehrad Train Station in Prague, Czech Republic. Prague is a bustling city, drawing throngs of tourists every year.

But off the tourist track, Vyšehrad Station, frozen in time, provides a window into the city’s past. It’s gorgeous Art Nouveau styling is a hallmark of the city’s architectural character and would once have been marvelled at by those arriving in Prague.

It hasn’t seen a single passenger since 2002, but stands as a monument to the city’s rail pedigree.

Vyšehrad is home to plenty more examples of eye-catching architecture. The marvellous cubic style of Kovarovic Villa draws plenty of tourists. Unlike the Art Nouveau Vyšehrad Station, Kovarovic Villa showcases far more contemporary styling.

Another of the city’s impressive cubist architecture is the famous House of the Black Madonna. It’s found in the Stare Mesto, otherwise known as the Old Town, and is one of the main tourist attractions in the area.

It is named after the baroque sculpture of a Black Madonna that adornes it and was completed in 1912. It’s a must-visit for history buffs and architecture aficionados.

One visitor to the House of Black Madonna wrote of their experience: “House of the Black Madonna has a fabulous permanent collection of Cubist artifacts. Not many tourist go you are able to take your time an look at every item. After viewing stop at the café.”

Another said: “Amazing building. Everything designed according to the Cubist style. From chandeliers in the cafe on the ground floor, to the restaurant on top and exhibition of the Cubist furniture. The staircase is amazing.”


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