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Doctor says adding £1 ingredient to water will help you rid belly fat

So many viral trends do the rounds that it’s a challenge to stay in the loop, particularly when it comes to health and weight loss myths.

This is why doing your homework and consulting with healthcare experts is crucial. In the context of cutting-edge dieting tips, Dr Idz, aka dr_idz on TikTok, has endorsed a certain viral beverage for those keen to trim down.

The doctor suggests that concoctions such as the chia seed drink might be just the ticket for weight loss and targeting abdominal fat. According to him, there’s robust evidence underpinning these claims.

In a candid video, Dr Idz said: “Chia seeds are high in fibre, and fibre has been consistently shown to help you lose weight. It makes you full, doesn’t contain calories and reduces appetite.

“Chia seeds are mainly a soluble fibre so, when you mix it with water, it becomes a viscous-like gel, and this slows down the digestion of food, and makes you more full.”

Furthermore, he added: “Many studies have linked soluble fibre with a lower level of body fat but, whether fibre loses more belly fat than the calorie restriction it gives, we’re not sure. But the point it still valid, because you do lose belly fat.”

Not only does fibre aid in weight management, but it is also beneficial for various health reasons, according to the medical expert. He adds that water is effective in curbing hunger, while cinnamon boasts numerous health benefits.

Meanwhile, a dash of honey sweetens the drink to improve its flavour too. He even proposed that drinking the mixture each day could be the key to maintaining a calorie deficit.

This is because it helps you feel full, which means you’ll put off your food cravings for longer. It makes sense when you think about it.

The video has gone viral, amassing over 300,000 views, with viewers chiming in with their thoughts. While some praise the medical and nutritional insights, others are sceptical about the calorie content of chia seeds.

One viewer said: “Nice to hear someone who actually knows medicine, nutrition. Thanks.”

Another shared their own experience, writing: “Yes. I have chia seeds with coconut milk, and it bangs!” However, a third person pointed out a common misconception, adding: “Okay, but chia seeds do contain calories.”

Healthline confirms chia seeds may aid weight loss efforts due to their protein content, which can suppress appetite and reduce food intake. A study highlighted by Healthline found consuming chia seeds with yogurt for breakfast increased satiety and reduced short-term food intake.

While chia seeds alone aren’t a magic solution for weight loss, incorporating them into a well-rounded diet could be beneficial for those looking to shed pounds.


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