Home News Readers sound off on Christopher Columbus, Trump Bibles and Israel’s wars

Readers sound off on Christopher Columbus, Trump Bibles and Israel’s wars

Revisionists are taking Columbus out of context

Garden City, L.I.: In the last few years, Christopher Columbus has been maligned, and wrongly so. I would like to point out some of the facts that are taken out of context and are half-truths.

Take the words, “They would make good servants and of good skill, for I see that they repeat very quickly whatever was told to them.” This was in reference to the Carib tribe and why they would want to capture the Taino natives and use them as slaves. The Caribs were a cannibalistic tribe taking natives from other islands, enslaving, torturing, raping, castrating and finally consuming them. The Tainos had saved Columbus’ crew and supplies from his ship that hit a reef. In gratitude, Columbus promised them that he would, by “the sward or by chains,” put an end to the Caribs’ attacks. When entering Carib villages, he observed human bodies ready to be roasted over a fire and human flesh being boiled. He freed captured men, women and children, returning them to their islands.

The queen gave Columbus orders to treat the natives “well and lovingly.” Columbus was arrested by Francesco de Bobadilla and brought back to Spain in chains to face unfounded charges, but was exonerated. The latter half of that sentence is rarely mentioned. He gave his men orders to respect the natives while he was exploring, but those fell on deaf ears. Bobadilla and the governors that followed Columbus were abusive and cruel. It was not Columbus who abused the natives, as they would like you to believe! He made decisions based on the circumstances he encountered, not for his personal gain. Happy Columbus Day! Phil Buffa

Worthy of honor

Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J.: We celebrate the anniversary of Columbus’ voyage. His courage and determination in reaching his goal is a lesson for all of us! We must never abandon hope. If only today’s society faced problems, disease, hunger and tensions with the courage, resolve and faith of Columbus, the world would be a much better place for everyone. For this national holiday dedicated to the great “admiral of the seas,” we must pay homage to this courageous and sagacious navigator. In the wake of Columbus’ teaching that our dreams can come true, we find a cure for those dreaded diseases that plague us, bring peace to all nations, find more environmentally friendly sources of energy, and transform space travel into something positive for all humanity. Ophelia Paolino

Each on their merits

Hyde Park, N.Y.: We rightly see criticism and condemnation of our tainted history, which has too often been filled with episodes of prejudice, whether subtle, verbal or violent. However, we are now developing an attitude that, while attempting to address and correct those wrongs for the future of our society, is actually — perhaps unintentionally — establishing new and hidden prejudices. All too often in the media, we are seeing figures in sports, entertainment, politics, etc. being touted because of race, gender, family origin, etc. All of these qualities are accidents of birth and were in no way results of the individual’s actions. All people should be evaluated and judged by their abilities and the accomplishments they’ve achieved. Peter J. Mancuso

Overabundant access

Rocky Point, L.I.: Why can’t they make two-door cars at the lower end of the models instead of only at the higher end of the models they make? Not everyone needs a four-door. Al Glass

Better together

East Meadow, L.I.: A paradox is such a confounding phenomenon. Donald Trump doesn’t want to debate Kamala Harris again because of her poise and delivery. If she should win again, it would inevitably sway votes from him. However, I feel that if Trump were president and Harris were his vice president, they’d solve every problem in America as it stands today. Gary L. Drakeford

Cheap-ing the faith

Fresh Meadows: Re “Don ‘God Bless America’ Bibles made in China” (Oct. 10): Does anyone find this a surprise? As far back as I can remember, Trump and his family have been making things in China. David Letterman once called Trump out on his show about the neckties Trump was hawking and embarrassed him. Now, on top of all the crap he sells to suckers, he has a special-edition Bible in which he memorializes his assassination attempt at a cost of $59.99. What? I thought this country was broke. What a con man. His only God is the almighty dollar. Please, folks, cover your ears to what he promises and open your eyes to what he truly is. This man was not sent by God. He is the devil himself. And he has JD Vance, a previously good man, and so many others selling their souls. Don’t be one of them. God is watching. H. Manuel DaSilva

Exalting the swindler

Blairstown, N.J.: Can a convicted felon, compulsive liar, tax cheat, rapist, con artist and deranged moron be elected to the presidency of the United States? If so, then Trumpty might be correct that our nation is in a sad, sad state of well-being. Just look at what George Santos pulled off. Ron Cristi

Storm fatigue

Manhattan: I don’t want to sound mean, but I don’t want all the news channels talking about the hurricanes from morning until night. This is an election season. I know Hurricanes Helene and Milton were horrific and of course I want to hear about it, but not endlessly, hour after hour. I want to turn on the news and hear about what’s going on with the election and other news of the world. Will someone please clue in the news channels? Marcia Epstein

Who knows?

Brooklyn: Mr. Sean “You Know” Hannity, I watch you on the Fox “You Know” News channel and listen to you on WOR radio (you know). If the words “you” and “know” were taken out of the dictionary, would you know how to do the great job you know you do? I don’t know. Bill Glassman

Bring cases

Brooklyn: With all the convoluted, illegal activities affecting some members of the NYC government, I believe the justice system should face those cases and decide which one of those culprits are guilty. U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams should do what must be done. We are sick and tired of hearing and reading the assorted news about those cases. Francisco J. Castillo

Personal pollution

Denver: Due to no outside activity from an older neighborhood widow, my wife randomly delivered some fresh flowers and muffins to her. She was invited for the first time into her home to discover her connected to oxygen due to COPD, and her two brothers were smoking. With my childhood memories of my poor World War II veteran daddy crying to breathe with no portable oxygen in the early 1960s, it’s heartbreaking that tobacco continues to be legal and lethal in America as it slowly loves 480,000 people to death annually. Mike Sawyer

Fight and win

Manhattan: To address numerous opinions expressed by contributors to this and other publications conveying that the Israelis should be negotiating with terrorists rather than fighting them, I ask: Was it a good idea for Neville Chamberlain to negotiate with the Nazis? Do writers under 35 even know who Chamberlain was? That this has to be asked speaks for itself. Should President Biden offer Trump control of a few southern states in exchange for accepting the 2020 election results? Should Kamala Harris pardon Trump and his associates in exchange for Trump’s promise not to storm our nation’s Capitol again? There are those with whom good people should not and can not negotiate. Hamas and Hezbollah are among those. The tiny nation of Israel, our ally, is battling an unspeakable evil the best way it can, as is its right. Every American should be supportive of the Israelis. This issue should not be subjective. Lloyd Litwak


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