Home Life & Style Two important orchid jobs will have houseplant ‘flower for longer’ and living...

Two important orchid jobs will have houseplant ‘flower for longer’ and living for ‘years’

Orchids are very easy to keep alive and thriving, and with proper care, the houseplant can live for many months or even years.

However, they can be sensitive to fluctuating temperatures which makes them tricky to care for in the UK.

Known for their delicate beauty and air-purifying properties, orchids thrive in environments that mimic their natural environment.

This means trying to replicate this when it comes to watering, and an expert has shared exactly how to water orchids.

Millie Durbak, brand manager at Prestige Flowers, said: “Maintaining a consistent watering schedule and allowing for proper drainage is vital to prevent root rot.”

In the summer months, this should be fairly often, around twice a week, but in the winter it is much less often.

A pencil or chopstick can be inserted into the soil to see if it is dry or not, and if the top two inches are dry, it needs to be watered.

However, orchids should not be watered from the top as this can lead to overwatering as well as ruining the delicate foliage.

According to the experts at Polhill Garden Centre, the majority of plants benefit from being watered at the bottom.

They explained: “Watering plants from above can cause many issues and damage your plant health such as plant weakening, reduced flowering and reduced photosynthesising.

“Some conditions include rust which prevents photosynthesis and appears as brown pustules on the underside of leaves.

“Powdery mildew can reduce plant growth and flowering, and it appears as a powdery substance on the leaves, stems and flowers.”

To prevent or reduce these infections throughout the year, water them at the correct times of day.

When it comes to the placement of orchids, Millie recommended the bathroom. She said: “The bathroom provides the perfect setting for orchids due to its higher humidity levels and lower light conditions.

“These factors mirror the orchid’s preferred environment, creating a perfect balance for optimal growth.

“Placing them in the bathroom not only elevates the aesthetics but also contributes to a fresher and healthier indoor environment.”

Making sure to water them correctly as well as placing them in the correct conditions can help orchids “flower for longer” and live for “years”.


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