
Easy ways to eat more fibre: 25 simple food swaps (including one that will surprise you)

Only one in 10 adults actually manage to consume the government’s recommendation of 30g of fibre each day. In fact, on average we manage just 20g, despite increasing evidence that roughage will cut our risk of cancer, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and even depression.

The best way to boost our fibre is to eat more plants and wholegrains, but sometimes that can feel like a chore. Nutritionist Juliette Kellow believes swapping a portion of something you already eat for another similar but more fibre-dense food can increase your daily intake without any effort at all. Here she explains 25 impressively simple trades you should contemplate making today:

1. SWAP 30g crisps (1.4g fibre) FOR 30g Twiglets (3.4g fibre) ADDS 2.1g EXTRA FIBRE

2. SWAP 100g Minced beef (0g fibre) FOR 100g Quorn mince (7.5g fibre) ADDS 7.5g EXTRA FIBRE

3. SWAP 150g cooked basmati rice (0.9g fibre) FOR 150g cooked couscous (3.3g fibre) ADDS 2.4g EXTRA FIBRE

4. SWAP 1 orange (1.9g fibre) FOR 1 pear (4.6g fibre) ADDS 2.7g EXTRA FIBRE

5. SWAP 30g cashew nuts (1g fibre) FOR 30g almonds (3.8g fibre) ADDS 2.8g EXTRA FIBRE

6. SWAP 150g cooked rice noodles (1.7g fibre) FOR 150g cooked medium egg noodles (4.5g fibre) ADDS: 2.8g EXTRA FIBRE

7. SWAP 80g courgette (0.6g fibre) FOR 80g aubergine (4.1g fibre) ADDS 3.5g EXTRA FIBRE

8. SWAP 200g baked potato (5.2g fibre) FOR 200g baked sweet potato (10.4g fibre) ADDS 5.2g EXTRA FIBRE

9. SWAP ½ mango (o.8g fibre) FOR 80g raspberries (3g fibre) ADDS 2.2g EXTRA FIBRE

10. SWAP 80g cooked split red lentils (5g fibre) FOR 80g cooked green/brown lentils (5.9g fibre) ADDS 0.9g EXTRA FIBRE

11. SWAP 80g boiled cauliflower (1.3g fibre) FOR 80g steamed broccoli (3g fibre) ADDS: 1.7g EXTRA FIBRE

12. SWAP 150g mashed potato (2.1g fibre) FOR 150g cooked white pasta (3.9g fibre) ADDS 1.8g EXTRA FIBRE

13, SWAP 80g sweetcorn (2.5g fibre) FOR 80g peas (4.4g fibre) ADDS 1.9g EXTRA FIBRE

14. SWAP 80g baby spinach (0.8g fibre) FOR 80g boiled kale (2.8g fibre) ADDS: 2g EXTRA FIBRE

15. SWAP 80g grapes (1g fibre) FOR 80g strawberries (3g fibre) ADDS 2g EXTRA FIBRE

16. SWAP 150g slice honeydew melon (0.6g fibre) FOR 150g slice cantaloupe melon (2.7g fibre) ADDS 2.1g EXTRA FIBRE

17. SWAP 1 tbsp choc nut spread (0.5g fibre) FOR 1 tbsp peanut butter (1g fibre) ADDS 0.5g EXTRA FIBRE

18. SWAP 80g boiled green cabbage (1.8g fibre) FOR 80g Boiled Brussels sprouts (2.6g fibre) ADDS 0.8g EXTRA FIBRE

19. SWAP 1 slice brown bread (2g fibre) FOR 1 slice wholemeal bread (2.8g fibre) ADDS 0.8g EXTRA FIBRE

20. SWAP 1 tomato (0.9g fibre) FOR ½ red pepper (1.8g fibre) ADDS 0.9g EXTRA FIBRE

21. SWAP 2 digestive biscuits (1g fibre) FOR oat digestive biscuits (2g fibre) ADDS 1g EXTRA FIBRE

22. SWAP 30g semi-dried prunes (1.6g fibre) FOR 30g semi-dried figs (3g fibre) ADDS 1.4g EXTRA FIBRE

23. SWAP 80g boiled runner beans (1.8g fibre) FOR 80g boiled green beans (3.3g fibre) ADDS: 1.5g EXTRA FIBRE

24. SWAP 30g raisins (0.8g fibre) FOR 30g dried dates (2.3g fibre) ADDS 1.5g EXTRA FIBRE

25. SWAP 80g blueberries (1.2g fibre) FOR 80g blackberries (2.7g fibre) ADDS: 1.5g EXTRA FIBRE

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