Home World Vladimir Putin forces crippled soldiers back to frontline as he faces Ukraine...

Vladimir Putin forces crippled soldiers back to frontline as he faces Ukraine humiliation

Vladimir Putin is now forcing crippled soldiers suffering from serious war wounds to go back and fight on the frontline in Ukraine, it was revealed yesterday.

New evidence showed the desperate condition of many men being ordered to return to active assault groups, after already suffering injury.

The Kremlin chief has so far not dared to impose a new mass mobilisation edict, fearing a hostile reaction from draftees and their families.

But instead, serving men propped up by crutches and sticks are being forced to fight in Putin’s ‘cannon fodder’ units in Ukraine.

In footage newly unearthed by prominent Ukrainian activist and lawyer Serhii Sternenko, maimed fighters could be seen having to return to battle in what he calls Putin’s ‘cripple battalions’.

“Wounded invaders are still pushed into assaults,” said Sternenko, who has 3.5 million subscribers across multiple social media platforms.

“The enemy resorts to such measures – not because everything is going well for them.”

The commentary on the video explains: “This is how Russian fighters go to the frontline.

“Instead of going to the hospital, we’re heading back to fight. On crutches, with sticks — off they go to fight.”

Separate footage showed complaints from increasingly disgruntled Russian soldiers in Putin’s 58th army fighting in Ukraine.

One soldier told how the physically and psychological traumatised men are from the 76th Division – 234th and 104th regiments.

“There are even men who have been concussed eight times,” he said.
“This one cannot even speak properly – say something…..”

The soldier stutters but cannot adequately tell his story.
“He’s shaking all over,” said the spokesman for the fighters. Almost all of them cannot serve in the military adequately due to their health conditions. There are men who can’t move normally.

“Everyone has illnesses that either mean they should face a military-medical commission, transfer to rear units, or to reserve units.

“Our units have not been to the place where they are now being transferred. This is the 58th Army…. “A unit right on the frontline, where the most intense action is happening.”

The exact locations of the crippled fighters was not given.

But Putin is known to have been on a frantic recruitment drive as the war drags on, with casualties on the frontline getting ever heavier.

This has seen conscription ages lowered, qualification for being called up widening and even the forced conscription of prisoners serving sentences for rape and murder.


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