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Readers sound off on maintaining public space, police robots and another school shooting

In our streets and subways, cleanliness matters

Manhattan: I am a resident of Morningside Heights. I wanted to reach out because the quality of life in our district leaves much to be desired. I am talking about trash on the streets and the condition of the subway stations on 125th St.

I know that trash mitigation is an equal effort between the city and residents. We have new trash containers, which are nice, but residents still toss trash on the streets. Furthermore, the Business Improvement District of 125th St. does not seem to be doing a great job of picking up trash. Is the BID underfunded/understaffed? 125th St. is filthy, and is an embarrassment to this city.

Regarding the station for the No. 1 train, it is in dire need of major repairs. I thought Columbia University was kicking in money for a rehab — I’m not sure if this is still the case or when it will happen. There are numerous structural deficiencies as well as aesthetic issues. The platform itself is sagging. The concrete that is breaking is covered by wooden boards haphazardly drilled into the concrete. This is a major trip-and-fall liability. Some of the windows are smashed. I reported this to the MTA, who drilled in plastic sheets over the windows instead of replacing them. There is trash accumulation on top of the station staircase closest to Duane Reade. Graffiti has not been mitigated on the side of the staircase.

I take pride in our neighborhood and my community and I hate to see it looking this way. This is a community of students, families, elderly folk and hard-working people. We deserve better. Lauren Roland

Useful tool

Yonkers: So, civil rights advocates have criticized the current administration’s robot efforts, saying they impose an “invasion of privacy” on New Yorkers (“New NYPD tool: Robot cops throw,” Sept. 5). Tell us how, please. In reality, in order to be heard, these liberal perp-lovers are opposed to just about anything the NYPD uses or proposes to use to keep New Yorkers safe. To these educated clowns, everything comes with an invasion of privacy. I’d prefer to have a robot, when feasible, address a dangerous or potentially deadly situation rather than a police officer, purely for safety reasons. If these comical soothsayers ever had the intestinal fortitude to be a cop, they’d reconsider their pathetic, idiotic ideologies. Ralph A. Manente

Rotten record

Whitestone: Groveling Eric Goldstein, the convicted felon who ran the NYC Department of Education bus service and food services, is begging for leniency because he fears that his ex-wife and his children are going to suffer without him being around (“Teach king of foul food lesson,” Sept. 1). This worm should’ve thought about that before he engaged in a corruption-filled scheme and put thousands of children’s lives in danger. Let us not forget that while he was indulging in high-grade filet mignon dinners and raking in thousands of dollars, he was having rancid, poisonous chicken served to children for school lunch. As part of his sentence, he should be forced to eat the rancid chicken while sitting in his prison cell. Enjoy your stay, lowlife. Gene O’Brien

Pick one

Bronx: Re “Judge’s ruling would boost taxis for wheelchair users” (Aug. 31): One yellow taxi company should become the sole provider of this type of cab. There should be a caveat: Whichever company takes the deal, all drivers must be treated as employees. Don’t label them private contractors, the gimmick now used by many corporations. These cabs are bulky gas-guzzlers and expensive to maintain. Experienced drivers avoid them like the plague. If, sadly, driverless taxis come to pass, only yellow cabs will be wheelchair-accessible, as someone has to work the lift and wheel customers in. Since the app-based rideshare conglomerates managed to buy some politicians and got a pass on this issue, all yellow cab companies had to share the responsibility. So, load the company willing to tackle the problem with tax incentives, and maybe the mostly unreliable Access-A-Ride will go the way of the VCR and its drivers can transfer to this new company. Virgilio Carballo

Dancing with infamy

Middle Village: I guess ABC and “Dancing with the Stars” are scraping the barrel for stars! How is convicted felon Anna Delvey Sorokin a star? The real stars should boycott. Donna Morena

End-times signs

Fort Lauderdale, Fla.: God created this beautiful world and He is going to destroy it again like He did the first world by a global flood (Gen. 7). Climate change is peanuts compared to what’s going to happen, and it’s not far away: “The heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the Earth will be destroyed by fire” (2 Pet. 3:10). The signs that the end is near will be the darkening of the sun and moon and a bombardment of asteroids (Mt. 24:29). Greek for “stars” in this passage is “aster,” from which we get asteroids. The Earthly sign will be the destruction of the global government and great wealth that will be in place at that time (Rev. 18). This government is forming right now as the “Great Reset.” It will evolve into the Great Beast empire of the Antichrist (Rev. 13). Jim Black

Targeting schools

Staten Island: Another school year, another school shooting (“4 shot dead in Ga. school massacre,” Sept. 5). Luckily, the Republicans have a foolproof plan to eliminate school shootings entirely. Once Project 2025 goes into effect, the Department of Education will be eliminated. No more schools, no more school shootings. Problem solved. Thank you, MAGA heads. Victor R. Stanwick

Armed guards

Carmel, N.Y.: Another school shooting! Georgia has an “Alliance for School Safety.” This is a preposterous disgrace! Every school in America needs resource safety officers, paid or volunteer. One resource we already have is thousands of trained law enforcement officers, employed and retired! If I was law enforcement, I would volunteer if necessary, especially if any of my children were enrolled in a local school! This was sheer stupidity and negligence on the part of the school administrators, politicians and especially the governor of Georgia. I think he needs to ask about the school safety alliance, of which he seems to be ignorant! Gov. Hochul, what are your thoughts? Susan McCormack

Generally mismanaged

Rochelle Park, N.J.: Great support you’re showing Daniel Jones, Joe Schoen (“Can’t hurt to look,” Sept. 5)! Try keeping your mouth shut to opposing general managers and coaches when cameras are rolling. What picks have you actually made to turn the roster around besides your Bills and Raiders rejects? Build an offensive line and then see if you have a good-to-great quarterback! You are the one that gave him the contract! Now do your job! Enough with the 10-year rebuild of the offensive line! You didn’t even use a draft pick on a lineman! The GM should be what Giants President John Mara is scanning, not you looking to save your butt after two years of bad general managing. But bad GMs are what the Giants have done since Ernie Accorsi retired! Brian Boyle

No one lower

Mineola, L.I.: To Voicer Dominick Delasandro: The correct spelling of the Italian word you used is “cafone,” although most people who use it pronounce it “gavone,” as you said. Two wrongs do not make a right, but calling Nancy Pelosi a low-class individual is the pot calling the kettle black! Donald Trump is the worst low-class individual who has ever run for and/or held the office of president! Philip Martone

Didn’t happen

Rochdale Village: To Voicer Wanda Lucci: In your dreams, hun. Trump requested more police protection for Jan. 6? Like the urinators and defecators won patriotic awards for decoration. Saul Rothenberg

Glimmer of hope

Tarrytown, N.Y: To Voicer T.S. Fallani: Usually over the top and totally off the wall when denouncing others on this page, your somewhat moderate, well-thought-out critique of an anti-immigrant screed by Voicer John Esposito. Kudos! Have we turned the corner on nasty culture wars in Voice of the People? Will ad hominem attacks abate; will insults cease? May opponents debate, not yell? Immigration, gender politics, reproductive freedom, donkeys vs. elephants, diplomacy, death, taxes — all discussed civilly! The dawning of the Age of Aquarius. We can always hope, until the next letter. Steve Ditlea


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