Home Life & Style Tomatoes will ripen and grow bigger if simple 10 minute task is...

Tomatoes will ripen and grow bigger if simple 10 minute task is done as soon as possible

It can be disappointing to spend summer caring for tomato plants only for fruit to still be green as autumn approaches, but there is a simple way to extend their growing season. 

Tomatoes need to be harvested in September as if left too long on the vine once the weather gets cold then the fruit will be damaged and unusable. 

Even if tomatoes are still green they will need to be harvested as they will not grow anymore once frost appears and any fruit left rotting on the plant can attract pests and fungal diseases to your garden. 

However, if your tomatoes are still unripened then do not worry as Monty Don has shared there is a simple way to speed up the ripening process to ensure you get fully red tomatoes before September ends. 

On his website, Monty said: “Tomatoes are coming up to their prime harvesting period but to extend this and make sure that all the current green tomatoes fully ripen over the coming month or so there are a few things the tomato grower should do now.” 

How to make sure green tomatoes ripen 

If you want to make sure you get a bountiful harvest of juicy red tomatoes then make sure to trim back any excess foliage on the plant to allow more sunlight to reach the fruit. 

Monty said: “The first is to strip off the bottom half of the leaves on each plant. This will let in light and air so that the growing fruits get more sun.”

“Also, the extra ventilation will reduce the risk of disease. This process can be continued weekly until there are no leaves left at all.”

Tomatoes need as much sunlight as possible in September as the plant converts the sun’s energy into sugars, which is an important step in the ripening process and also makes the fruit much more flavourful. 

Once you have increased the sun exposure then pinch off any new flowers or tiny tomatoes so the plant can focus on ripening existing fruit. 

Next, stop watering tomatoes as much as you did in summer once the weather cools down as it will signal to the plant that the fruit needs to ripen as soon as possible.

Monty said: “Reduce the watering unless it is very hot to avoid the fruit splitting but keep up a weekly feed of liquid seaweed or, if you can make it, home-made comfrey feed. Both are ideal for maximising flower and fruit production.

Feeding tomatoes the right fertiliser will give them the nutritional boost they need to grow, and Monty has shared in the past how to make a simple homemade fertiliser out of comfrey weeds that will greatly help the plant.

Comfrey contains potassium which is an essential nutrient needed for fruit production and wil help tomatoes not only ripen but grow bigger and sweeter.

What to do if tomato crops are still green in late September

If September begins getting very cold and you still have green tomatoes then do not worry as you can help ripen them once they have been picked off the vine as well. 

Monty said: “By September the heat is running out and inevitably we are all left with green tomatoes that are never going to ripen. 

“However if you pick them – either individually or on the bine, then put them in a drawer with a banana they will ripen and turn red.”

Bananas produce ethylene gas, a plant-growing hormone which ripens fruit, and placing tomatoes in an enclosed space with bananas will ensure they ripen. 

You will be able to enjoy fully-ripened red tomatoes grown in your own garden by following these simple steps this September so that you get bigger and sweeter crops.  


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