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Notorious war criminal guilty of genocide claims breach of human rights in UK jail

War criminal Radovan Karadzic is suing the Government because he is not allowed to have a laptop in his UK prison cell.

The former Bosnian-Serb leader – convicted of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity – claims his human rights have been breached and wants £50,000 damages for ­inhumane treatment.

Karadzic, known as the Butcher of Bosnia, is also complaining that he has been banned from communicating in his native Serbian in Albany prison, on the Isle of Wight, where he has been incarcerated since 2021.

The 79-year-old appeared in court via video link last week to sue Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood.

Should he win, taxpayers will fork out for the settlement and his legal costs.

It comes after his daughter, Sonja Karadzic-Jovicevic, claimed in 2021 he was being held in “unhealthy” and “uncivilised” conditions after being transferred to the Isle of Wight from a jail in the Netherlands.

Karadzic was convicted in 2016 for crimes against thousands of Croats and Muslims during the Balkans War.

He oversaw the bloody campaign of “ethnic cleansing” which involved mass murder, mass rape and concentration camps and culminated in the Srebrenica massacre of 8,000 men and boys over just five days in 1995.

The psychiatrist-turned-twisted poli- tician spent 12 years as a fugitive before he was arrested in 2008. He was found to be responsible for some of the worst atrocities committed in Europe since the end of the Second World War.

He was originally jailed for 40 years at the International Criminal Court in the Hague. But after a failed appeal in 2019, his sentence was increased to life without parole, meaning he will die in prison.


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