Home Health Doctor lists 7 subtle signs hormones are causing weight gain rather than...

Doctor lists 7 subtle signs hormones are causing weight gain rather than diet

Recent research has highlighted two new hormones as key players in weight management, prompting one expert to explain the ‘true’ reasons behind weight gain.

A top weight loss expert has revealed seven subtle indicators suggesting that hormones might be the real culprits behind weight gain, rather than diet alone, which could lead many to follow ineffective weight loss strategies.

While it’s widely acknowledged that hormones such as thyroid, testosterone, oestrogen, and cortisol influence diet and exercise routines, new studies have pinpointed hormones GLP-1 and GIP as significant factors in weight control.

These hormones, when not functioning properly, can cause issues with insulin and feelings of fullness, resulting in an insatiable appetite.

Professor Frank Joseph, who founded the weight loss clinic Dr Frank’s, stated: “Hormonal imbalances, especially involving GLP-1 and GIP, are often overlooked as a cause of weight gain. Addressing these imbalances is crucial for effective weight loss.”

To assist people in identifying the root cause of their weight gain, the doctor outlined seven signs to watch for, including unexplained weight gain around the abdomen that is resistant to both diet and exercise.

Persistent hunger, an inability to feel satiated after meals and intense cravings for sugary or carb-laden foods could be a sign of hormonal imbalance. This, coupled with a slowing metabolism despite minimal changes in diet or activity levels, can lead to weight gain.

Chronic fatigue that doesn’t improve regardless of adequate sleep, or general difficulties with sleeping, are additional signs to watch out for. This could include trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or achieving restful sleep.

Mood swings, such as irritability, anxiety, or depression, can be subtle indicators of hormonal failure. Women may even experience menstrual irregularities due to hormonal imbalances.

Dr Frank stated: “Understanding the impact of GLP-1 and GIP on weight is essential. Many people struggle with weight gain despite their best efforts because their hormones are working against them and not because they lack willpower!”

“If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it might be time to consult a healthcare professional. Hormonal imbalances can be corrected with the right treatment, leading to improved weight management and overall health.”

The expert also highlighted that maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise routine and managing sleep and stress can help rectify hormonal imbalances and the associated weight gain.


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