Home News Couple 'reported' over messy council house explain why they share snaps online

Couple 'reported' over messy council house explain why they share snaps online

A family who’ve gone viral for showing off their “messy home” online said they reveal the worst parts for a reason.

The Austins, known as the austins_1 on TikTok, often post clips of their cluttered property. It’s refreshingly different to the pictures of Pinterest-worthy properties we often see on social media.

But, even though they draw attention to the “dirtiest parts” of their council house, they say they clean it every day. Even so, some areas build up with grime and dirt, no matter how hard they work to scrub things down.

In a recent video, the woman who makes the clips, known as Nicole, said people often make comments about the house and ask questions. Some even ask how they could ever let their children grow up in the house due to the mess.

Trolls have dubbed their home as “disgusting” and a “biohazard”, but the family don’t let the cruel comments get them down.

Even though the family have been labelled an “embarassment”, they continue to show the work they’re doing to their home. They also aren’t afraid to continue pointing out they’re a “low income” family, even though people tell them they’re “bored” of it.

To fight back against the haters, Nicole made a video showcasing the “grimiest” parts of the house, and admitted she gets comments criticising it daily. Nicole said: “Imagine hearing all this every single day. Think before you speak guys.”

Previously, Nicole confessed they’ve received lots of social service reports in the past, but they’re working on a “huge reset”, and are hoping to give their home a big make-over. People have reported them to social services due to how messy the house is, but they’re doing their best to make-over the property and put their own stamp on it.

The reason they show how dirty the house can get is to make their content “relatable” to people who may be struggling. As well as highlighting the dirtiest areas, they also reveal how they work to deep-clean and restore parts of the property too.

They want to show that it’s possible to make things better, as well as reminding people that it’s impossible to have a “picture perfect” home all the time.

Since the video was shared, it’s been viewed more than 1,000 times and people were quick to comment too. Social media users even offered some cleaning tips and tricks.

One person said: “I think you need to concentrate on cleaning one room at a time. Like the bathroom and behind the toilet etc. Doors just blitz one room per day and keep on top of it.”

Another offered their support, writing: “Forget them, they’ve never been in your situation and have no idea what it’s like. They should count themselves lucky if they have the luxury to judge, because they are so perfect. Sending love.”

A third also replied: “Ignore the haters. Small-minded people, with nothing better to do than comment with their own filth. Love your videos, they are so inspiring to people with mental health.”


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