Home World Pretty Italian town 'now like Fukushima' after 20,000 residents evacuate overnight

Pretty Italian town 'now like Fukushima' after 20,000 residents evacuate overnight

A team of urban explorers ventured into a town that had been deserted for 15 years and were “overwhelmed” by what they found.

Dan, from the Exploring With Fighters YouTube channel, explained how 20,000 were evacuated from the Italian village of Fossa in April 2009 after a massive earthquake raised fears feared the entire mountainside could collapse. “I’m not joking when I say it feels like the city itself is heartbroken,” he said. “It’s just an overwhelming feeling.”

In one house in the footage, a table looks as if it had been set for dinner. Kitchen drawers have been torn open in what must have been a desperate attempt to save valuable items before the occupants had to flee. Elsewhere, Dan comes across an old-style coach-built pram and a child’s bicycle which would have been too big to squeeze into a car.

Many walls are cracked from the force of the massive earthquake, which registered over 3.5 on the Richter scale, and several of the buildings look to be on the brink of collapse. “I don’t think I even want to go upstairs in this place,” Dan says, as he enters one house which had been almost split in half by the quake.

In another house, a calendar still hangs on a wall, but it clearly hasn’t been touched since April 2009. The earthquake occurred just before 2am, and families would have had to pull their sleepy children out of bed and load them into cars to be evacuated in the dead of night.

The historic church is on the brink of collapse and even a minor tremor from the nearby fault line could send the entire structure tumbling down the mountainside.

“Because of a lot of the buildings they built up here don’t use reinforced steel, they just started cracking and crumbling and they got a call in the early hours of the morning that there was going to be a serious earthquake and everyone had to evacuate forever,” Dan says.

“There were 20,000 people. When you read the stories online it is it’s heartbreaking – there are stories of people dragging their kids out of beds as the as the walls are falling in.”

Pot plants and TVs are still in many of the houses but every surface is thick with dust and in many cases ceilings have fallen in as a result of the years of abandonment. One shop that Dan found has been comprehensively looted, although strangely a few bottles of beer and cans of Fanta, with a 2009 sell-by-date, still stand on top of a fridge.

The town centre is eerily deserted, and everywhere are signs that nature is reclaiming the ground, with tree branches and vines snaking through windows and pushing up through cracked pavements.

The town is built into a mountainside, and so many of the houses have picturesque balconies overlooking the valley below – but Dan says he wouldn’t like to risk standing on one of them.

Dan compares the town to Fukushima, the Japanese town hit by a devastating 2011 earthquake that caused a major nuclear incident at the nearby power station. That, too, sparked a massive evacuation – with over 100,000 people displaced.


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