Home News Readers sound off on Netanyahu’s address, the 2024 Olympics and subway problems

Readers sound off on Netanyahu’s address, the 2024 Olympics and subway problems

Applauded by Congress as he commits war crimes

Bedford, N.Y.: Not one word uttered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the truth. Far from it. Those opposed to his butchery are not “useful idiots.” The useful idiots were in the Capitol’s House chamber, applauding every lie that came out of his mouth. They swallow every lie uttered by this war criminal because they all receive millions of dollars from AIPAC in return for their compliance.

Those who marched in Washington against Netanyahu’s speech before Congress are protesting the butchery and savagery perpetrated against 39,000 Palestinians, including 15,000-plus children, and the utter destruction of their towns and homes.

Yes, Hamas committed an atrocious attack on the border communities on Oct. 7 — and by the way, only one baby was killed. The other died during an emergency caesarian section.

Yes, Hamas massacred 1,164 people, including more than 300 armed soldiers and security guards. However, Netanyahu and his military and security services knew a year in advance that Hamas was planning an attack and chose to do nothing! Netanyahu dismissed the reports by his underlings and a warning from the Egyptian government.

Netanyahu belongs in prison for the corruption he was being investigated for in Israel prior to October 2023. He belongs in The Hague, behind bars, as the war criminal he is. He does not belong anywhere near our Capitol and seat of government. Céline Secada


Rochdale Village: To Voicer Martin Goldman: You worship demons and idols, you poor soul. Where was God’s hand to save the poor firefighter Corey Comperatore, married with a family he bent over to protect? Or the 6 million, for that matter? Saul Rothenberg

She’s up to it

Bronx: Now that the Democrats have hounded President Biden out of running for a second term, let’s unite behind Kamala Harris. Biden is an honorable man who put the needs of the country over himself. I admire him greatly for his love of family. You can see that they adore him, and his wife is always by his side. The Republicans are saying Kamala is not qualified to be president. That’s a laugh because Donald Trump had zero experience in public service when he became president. But for the Electoral College, he would never have occupied the White House because Hillary Clinton beat him soundly in the popular vote. Kamala has been a prosecutor, a U.S. senator and vice president of the United States. What was Trump before he became president? Pauline Graham Binder


Greenwich, Conn.: Kamala Harris, the so-called abortion czar because of her extreme views, including terminating the life of a baby in the womb throughout all nine months, is largely basing her candidacy on abortion, which ends an innocent human life. That’s a fact, no matter how pro-aborts try to spin it. So, it is beyond pathetic that in this so-called modern world, a candidate of one of the two major political parties of the greatest country in the world is running on the line of sanctioning a right that will end up killing millions of precious human lives. Dems have constantly likened Donald Trump to Hitler. It is truly the Democrats that are the Nazi Party, and with the millions of unborn babies that will be wiped out with Harris at the helm pushing unlimited abortion legislation throughout the 50 states, she will be the new Hitler. Natalie Barklow

One side to blame

Astoria: To Voicer Jonathan Kiddrane: Cue the liberal denial and verbal onslaught responding to your masterful and reasoned letter. You are correct, the violence and animus is all originating from the left. The mass destruction and looting of American cities in 2020 and assault and murder of anyone in their way was perpetrated by the thugs of BLM and Antifa. Correspondingly, Kamala Harris cheered them on and set up a fund to bail out the perpetrators. She’s a former prosecutor. Let that sink in. Multiple district attorneys ended up dropping all charges against these thugs. Conversely, the one time people from the right initiated a fraction of that violence on Jan. 6, they had the book thrown at them and no bail fund for them. Let that sink in, too. Bradley Morris

Fooled again

Brookfield, Conn.: To Voicer Neil J. Pollicino: So, you’re worried that our “bandage-on-ear buffoon” is fooling us. Typical liberal. You’re so worried about Trump that you still can’t see how you’ve been duped. For the past three and a half years, the Democratic National Committee has been telling you that Joe Biden is perfectly fit to serve as president, and anyone who said differently was accused of “cheap fakes.” Now that the cat’s finally out of the bag, you and others like you have fallen into lockstep behind Harris because they tell you she’s the best candidate, despite her abysmal poll numbers. Abraham Lincoln was right: You can fool some of the people all of the time. Fred Schoeneborn

Official misconduct

Massapequa, L.I.: The difference between Republicans and Democrats? Democrats resign when convicted. Bob Menendez could be angling for a VP spot. He now has the credentials. Paul Pepe

Other option

Midland Park, N.J.: To Voicer Manny Agostini, with your list of problems caused by Biden: You should probably vote for Trump then, eh? Anthony Merlino

Dunce caps

Sebastian, Fla.: MAGA hats have an effect opposite that of the Kirwood Derby. Kevin Keppenheimer

Instructions, please

Saugerties, N.Y.: I worked in an office that was also a polling site. A woman walked in and wanted to vote. I asked if she was registered and she didn’t know what I was talking about. It might be a good idea to explain the process of registering to vote. This is too important an election to not have that opportunity. Terry Lanigan

Happy belated

Scarsdale, N.Y.: I want to wish my lil’ cuz-in-law a belated happy birthday. I feel extremely bad that I forgot Lisa’s birthday, which was on Monday. While Lisa resides in Ann Arbor, Mich., her dad grew up in Brooklyn and mom grew up in Queens, and Lisa is a fan of the Voice of the People, so I know she will see this. Happy birthday, lil’ cuz-in-law! John Kern

Let the games begin

Camden, N.J.: I have been anticipating this time of year for such a long time. And now it is here: the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics. All eyes are on Paris, not merely for its iconic Eiffel Tower, but for the nostalgia of summer sports history. The games make this the third time France has hosted the elite summer sports competition. Paris hosted the Olympics on two other occasions, in the summers of 1900 and 1924. This summer, for the athletically inclined, there is no better place to be in all the world than in Paris. Wayne E. Williams

System failure

Brooklyn: Thank you, faithful New York observer Gridlock Sam, for pointing out what should be obvious to all New Yorkers (“Midtown traffic is badly hurting NYC,” op-ed, July 23). From your mouth to Gov. Hochul’s ears. By slamming the brakes on congestion pricing, she has done a disservice to New York residents and small business owners. Lack of funding from congestion pricing is going to show up in the deterioration of the subway and bus systems, as well as halting critical upgrades. Hochul has given in to well-off suburbanites who will find, perhaps to their surprise, that LIRR and Metro-North service will also deteriorate. I lived in New York City in the 1970s in the era of, “Everybody off. This train is going out of service.” We’ve come a long way since then. Gov. Hochul, don’t send us back. Stephanie Doba

Track news

Jackson, N.J.: Are there any plans to do any coverage of Saratoga Race Course this season? Mark Shissias

Benched manager

Las Vegas: Is the Yankees owner still there? How about you stop worrying about making money and instead care about winning? Are you satisfied with the product that is playing in the Bronx? Can you please start acting like you care and maybe put fear into these guys? The manager just sits in the same spot all game. He needs to be friendly instead of friends with these guys. Show the team that you are the manager. Dennis Buckley


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