Home News Readers sound off on undemocratic Democrats, VP nominees and standing up for...

Readers sound off on undemocratic Democrats, VP nominees and standing up for stutterers

Is Donald Trump really the threat to democracy?

Glendale: It now appears that some of your readers suffer from divine delusions. To suggest the violence being committed in America has anything to do with Donald Trump is beyond ridiculous.

The Dems have perpetrated a mass slaughter of our country’s democracy. Millions of undocumented immigrants are crossing our borders and are bused to sanctuary cities across America. Criminals are set free hours after conducting heinous crimes. There are acts of violence and rioting conducted by anti-American groups like Antifa. Did pallets of bricks during the summer of 2020 fall out of the sky? Is that the kind of divine intervention these people are seeking?

Let’s not forget the people who grumble over the attempted assassination. People calling the wound superficial or just a scratch suffer from delusions that defy definition. Worst of all is the ignorance of individuals saying things like they’re sorry the assassin missed. How do these people sleep at night with so much hate in their empty brains?

If unity is to happen in our lifetime, it stands to reason it can only happen if we embrace a united stand. Those people unable to rationalize the three-ring-circus tactics of the left must enjoy tricks being played on them, tricks that in time will sink every dream they ever had of waking up in a free society. To give voice to such delusional ideas represents the ultimate failure of our country ever again feeling safe and secure. Wake up or resign yourselves to watching democracy collapse. Jonathan Kiddrane

Illiberal liberals

Ormond Beach, Fla.: The Democrats ran the least democratic primary in history and then tell us they are protecting democracy. With the Democratic Party, it looks like donor money trumps democracy and votes. What a bunch of hypocrites. They resemble more of an oligarchy of big money, Wall Street, the media and Hollywood, not a political party in a democratic republic. They are exactly what they accuse the Republicans of being: a threat to democracy. Charles Michael Sitero

Party mutiny

Syosset, L.I.: For years, we have listened to the Democratic Party tell us that Donald Trump is a major threat to democracy. We have just witnessed the Democratic Party remove a democratically elected nominee for president (disenfranchising 14 million primary voters), with no explanation. Anyone who believes that this was President Biden’s decision is either very naïve or very ignorant. This man was threatened by party elites with the 25th Amendment if he continued to refuse to drop out of the election. The Democratic Party has just trampled on the very democratic process it claims to uphold. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling! Laurence Haynes

Lame-duck danger

Oceanside, L.I.: Regarding President Biden’s pulling out of the presidential race — most unwillingly, I’m sure — I am wondering what might this person not used to not getting his way do? I’m afraid he has the degraded mentality to unleash great harm to America in a revengeful moment. I believe he should be removed from office before he causes any harm. John F. Rossano

Reading time

Blairstown, N.J.: Orangehead is selling Bibles, but he either can’t read or won’t read. Just ask John Bolton, the author of “The Room Where It Happened.” Trumpty’s own niece said the only time he has been in a church was for a wedding or a funeral service. Will someone from the radical right-wing so-called evangelicals please read him the Bible? Will someone from MAGA, QANON or the Proud Boys please read him the U.S. Constitution? He still doesn’t know that this country was founded on separation of church and state. Ron Cristi


Whitestone: To Voicer Nicholas Maffei, who said Trump showed courage, deserves respect and that God protected Trump from that bullet: A draft-dodger who claims he had bone spurs doesn’t have an ounce of courage in his fat, orange body. A person who calls our fallen war heroes suckers and losers, cheats on his wives, praises dictators and incites an insurrection deserves zero respect. Do you really believe God found the time to protect a deviant like Trump, yet was too preoccupied to save the lives of 6 million Jews who were being exterminated in World War II? Robert LaRosa Sr.

Sharp turnaround

Brooklyn: I read war veteran and Voicer Frederick R. Bedell’s statement about his admiration of the vice presidential candidate Sen. J.D. Vance. I waited with baited breath hoping to read other war veterans’ reactions since then, but alas, not one. I hereby announce a Korean war veteran, me, will have that honor. I wonder if Bedell read or heard what Trump said about veterans — we’re “losers”? This coming from a well-known draft-dodger. As for Vance, he once called Trump “Hitler.” In recent interviews, when confronted with that statement, his only reply was, “He changed my mind.” Wow, what an epiphany that must have been. Does that not make you wonder what could Trump have said that would make Vance go from calling him another Hitler to His Highness? Anthony Bruno

Identity politics play

Staten Island: Dear Kamala Harris, please pick a white guy as your VP. One from the Midwest might be even better. Oh, but not Pete Buttigieg. I’m sorry to say, even though it is 2024, the U.S. could never handle a woman and another minority on the ticket. Gina Ottrando

Decisions, decisions

Warwick, R.I.: With our current president withdrawing from the election, we may have our first female president. Our choice will then be a 78-year-old former president versus the 59-year-old Democrat, where not only age, gender, race and experience will compete for voters. Vice presidential candidates will have a strong influence on both tickets. The obvious contrast between the candidates will be exploited in the months ahead and many voters will wait longer before making their choice. How it all plays out should make for an exciting campaign and one worth following as we can expect a few surprises before Nov. 5. Bob Sweeney

Next to go?

Bridgewater, N.J.: Now that the president has ended his reelection campaign, can The News do the same with Mike Lupica? He may think he’s Larry King but he is really a modern-day Suzy — a practitioner of fake news. Charles Everett

Cruddy commute

Spotswood, N.J.: Both of my sisters were stuck at horrible train stations. Everything broke down. NJTransit is a horrible mess. Are we a Third World country? I travel to Japan often. Their trains are beautiful, clean, on time and fast. They are comfortable and safe. The bathrooms are clean and there is no graffiti or smell of urine. The train stations are very nice with places to eat and shop. Why can’t we have this? Tom Scott

Bully boy

Bronx: I am a person who stutters. I was energized to read “Boss in Queens DA’s office mocked prober’s stutter, heritage: lawsuit” (July 21). Three cheers for Jason Robles, who states that he has been bullied his whole life due to his stutter, for standing up to bully Assistant Chief Daniel O’Brien. People who stutter have accomplished great things, and one only has to look at the amazing list of “Famous People Who Stutter” on the website of The Stuttering Foundation to see names like Marc Anthony, Bruce Willis, Marilyn Monroe, Peggy Lipton, Emily Blunt, B.B. King, Noel Gallagher, Nicole Kidman, Prince Albert of Monaco, and so many others. The abuse and ridicule must stop. Several years ago, the foundation put out a 37-page book, “Trouble at Recess,” which is a guide for kids on how to handle bullying and teasing. What a shame that an assistant chief of detectives in New York City is accused of such terrible behavior. Colm Ruane

Expanded land

Massapequa, L.I.: Your editorial “From landfill to housing” (July 23) was mostly correct. The Port Authority would give the city 23 acres of landfill if it could dump the excavated debris from the World Trade Center site in the Hudson River so they would not have to truck the material to a further location just across West St. Later, the Battery Park City Authority built a bulkhead and sand was pumped in to create the 92-acre area that is now housing and Battery Park City’s World Financial Center. Ron Boehning


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