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Readers sound off on Trump’s VP pick, new frozen desserts and more apartments

J.D. Vance represents better prospects for vets

Bellerose: J.D. Vance is the Republican vice presidential candidate under Donald Trump. Vance is a post-9/11 veteran who served in the Marine Corps in Iraq. He is a supporter of veterans who are homeless and suffering from depression. I am proud of Vance and see him doing great things for our veterans.

I am a Vietnam-era veteran who served in the U.S. Navy. I found myself homeless after I finished my service to my country in 1975. It was February and I was cold, depressed, living on the street and asking strangers for spare change. I did get help from a stranger named Cyril from Nigeria, who offered me a room in his house. I also got help from social services. Yet, there are those today that need help.

I feel their pain. At 75, I am grand knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911, a member of the American Legion Post #103, a member of the Catholic War Veterans Post #1979 and a member of the Queens Village Republican Club. I have come a long way from being homeless, but because of my faith in God, He preserves me to do better things for those in need.

I’m glad we have a VP candidate in Vance, senator from Ohio, who truly cares for our veterans. Finally, may God bless our veterans who have given so much to our country, the U.S.A.! Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Fresh blood

Valhalla, N.Y.: With the VP appointment of J.D. Vance for the Republican Party, it’s like washing your face! It’s good to get some young blood with fresh ideas into the political world. The country needs to get younger and more vibrant! Hopefully, this starts a new trend. Michael Grisanti

Serious firepower

Fort Worth, Texas: I don’t think the Republicans know that their favorite AR-15 assault rifle, like the one used in Trump’s assassination attempt, is exactly the same military-style assault rifle that President Biden has been trying to ban for more than a year. Now that the surgeon general has declared gun violence a public health crisis, I’m praying that Republican lawmakers will now start strengthening gun safety laws instead of weakening them, and will finally admit that our forefathers never intended for the Second Amendment to give every citizen, regardless of age, mental capacity or criminal background, the right to purchase a semi-automatic rifle that can shoot 46 bullets a minute. Now that the Trump-loving Supreme Court has lifted the ban on bump stocks, that same rifle is now capable of shooting 400-800 rounds per minute. Thankfully, there wasn’t a bump stock on the gunman’s AR-15. Otherwise, we’d likely be mourning many deaths at that rally. Sharon Austry

Roof experience

Brooklyn: If the Secret Service couldn’t put someone on the roof the Trump shooter was on because it was slanted, maybe they have to change their hiring practices. They have to start hiring people from the roofing industry — those guys are on slanted roofs all the time. Josh Greenberger

Agent of instability

Brooklyn: I am a 75-year-old man and have been following American elections for as long as I can remember. I have always taken comfort that we have a stable and secure political system, unlike many Third World countries. Not anymore. Ever since Trump came on the scene, he has been stoking the flames of violence and making accusations of rigged elections. I can’t remember a time when politicians, election workers, judges and prosecutors — and their families — have had to endure death threats until recently. Trump launched a violent coup on the Capitol that resulted in the deaths of several police officers and a Trump supporter, not to mention putting his vice president’s life in mortal danger. He has made fun of the hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband and so much more. I’m wondering if his followers are wondering what this man has wrought on America. Irwin Cantos

Inverted accusation

East Greenbush, N.Y.: Voicer Michael Pravica’s statement that the Democrats have been encouraging their followers to engage in violence against Trump is a lie. He conveniently ignores that Trump has been advocating violence for years, including, of course, the Jan. 6 insurrection. Oh, by the way, the shooter was a Republican. Phil Kellerman

Can’t keep it straight

Milwaukee: In the numerous speeches at the Republican National Convention, you will hear no mention of the fundamental dishonesty of former President Donald Trump. Please remember that Trump accused Texas Sen. Ted Cruz of fraud in the Iowa caucuses, said he wouldn’t accept the results of the 2016 election unless he won, never accepted that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, and said months ahead of the 2020 election that the only way he could lose is if the election is rigged. Now many Trump supporters say they will not accept a victory by President Biden in 2024. Let’s heed the words of Russian chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov: “Many parties can arrive independently at the same truth, but not at the same lie.” Terry Hansen

Be suspicious

Rockaway Point: Are there any honest politicians? I don’t think so. Remember that when voting. And don’t forget the moles who are already in our government and those trying to get in to bring us down. Regina Mangan

Lost base

Jamaica: If President Biden loses by a landslide, it’s because Democrats did not stick by him. We can only blame them if we lose our freedom and democracy. Truly sad! We the people must get out and vote! We don’t need a dictator or an authoritarian country. God bless America! Charlene Black

Celeb regrets

Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: What a laugh — George Clooney, movie star, calling for Biden to step down. Hollywood must be wetting their pants that their beloved liberal clown they elected president has had it. The so-called elites have had it their way for too long. They’ve welcomed criminals across our borders, made it so you don’t know who is in the bathroom, tried to destroy women’s sports, taught our children that sexual orientation is a free-for-all, turned what is bad to good, wrecked our economy, allowed the murder of babies with their immoral abortion policies and made the U.S. a shadow of what it was. I can’t wait to get those arrogant, sanctimonious morons out of power. Brenda Hodgkiss

Sweeter treat

Manhattan: Remember when ice cream came from cows, with all the nasty hormones, antibiotics, pus cells and saturated fat? When you could only have one to keep from getting sick? When people with lactose intolerance couldn’t have any? Well, this Sunday, July 21, is National Ice Cream Day, a superb opportunity to taste the colorful collection of delicious, healthy, eco-friendly, cruelty-free ice creams made from grains and nuts. They’re available in the frozen food section of your favorite supermarket. Nelson Yancy

Two birds, one stone

Jackson Heights: With the introduction of the subway metal detector program, we all know that those caught carrying weapons will be arrested and released within hours. If these detectors could also accept OMNY and MetroCards, those not carrying weapons would have to pay the fare — and no more fare-beating! Or does that make too much sense for the MTA? Glenn B. Jacobi

Density gluttons

Fresh Meadows: In response to your editorial applauding our progressive legislators’ plans to increase housing availability by eliminating one- and two-family homes in all boroughs (“Spreading the risk,” July 14): The new zoning is supposed to create affordable housing, but there is no affordable housing requirement. These new apartments will mostly include market-rate rentals and will hardly solve the lack of housing in the city. No one will benefit but the developers. No plans are made for cars, driveways, parking facilities or green spaces. Our beautiful neighborhoods will become an asphalt jungle! Homeownership has always been the American dream. What plans are being made for infrastructure — increases in gas and electric usage, sewage, sanitation, firehouse services and overcrowded schools? Why should we have to relocate? Many of your subscribers are among those in a one- or two-family home. Before your editors support an issue that will change the fabric of our neighborhoods, look at the facts. Stella Grillo


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