Home News Daily Horoscope for July 12, 2024

Daily Horoscope for July 12, 2024

General Daily Insight for July 12, 2024

The truth helps us evolve. With the sensitive Moon soothing transformational Pluto, we’re able to make intense inner changes, as though shedding an old skin. That said, when stubborn Venus faces off with Pluto at 10:12 am EDT, we must be wary of obsessive or controlling tendencies in ourselves and others — especially when they’re masked by a charming exterior. Later on, the Moon will trine open-minded Jupiter, encouraging optimism, forgiveness, and healing. Let go of what’s meant to move on.


March 21 – April 19

Hidden antagonists are potentially about to reveal themselves. You might have thought that you were able to trust this person right up until the moment their less-than-positive intentions became obvious. It can be upsetting if you genuinely wanted to build a friendship where you didn’t have to guard yourself, so perhaps you can give them the benefit of the doubt and talk through the issue. Be that as it may, if they continue to show disdain for you, it’s probably time to move on.


April 20 – May 20

Working hard doesn’t mean you won’t have to pivot. You may have thought that you had put in enough effort that you’ll reach your goal any day now, but you’re potentially much further from the goal than you thought! It’s possible that you just have a few more miles to walk, but you may have been moving in the wrong direction entirely. Be brave enough to change course when you see discrepancies in the path ahead without wasting excessive time regretting your past journey.


May 21 – June 20

Past beliefs may be preventing you from growing. You might have a mindset that tells you that you’re not worthy of your dreams, or that there are too many people out there who are more skilled in your chosen field. The truth is that, unless you’re a gold-medal athlete or genius, there will always be someone better at something than you, but there will also always be someone worse — and plenty of people at your level. If you love it, keep learning!


June 21 – July 22

A look within can clarify the source of a struggle. Someone in your current life could be reminding you of someone from your past or another person who you have a long history with, which may cause you to distrust them or automatically disagree with them. Instead of continuing to live out this cycle, let the past be the past, and see this person for who they are. However, if you still see red flags, it may be time to let them be.


July 23 – August 22

Communication may make it difficult to see things the same way afterward. A friend may tell you something about another person, or even about themselves, and this information is something that you ought to think carefully about. It may be a hidden jealousy or rivalry that you weren’t aware of, one that sparks a competition you didn’t sign up for. It would be wise to forgive them, for your sake, but you’re allowed to keep them at arm’s length for a little while.


August 23 – September 22

Inconsistencies are becoming noticeable at this time. Even if you were certain that you were practicing a strong, organized routine, or that you’ve been devoutly following a spiritual routine, in reality, you may have been letting some things slip through the cracks. Without making time for joy, you’ll notice yourself feeling like a drone, but without making time for your responsibilities, you’ll feel like a rudderless boat. Pay attention to the routine that seems like it needs the most TLC from you.


September 23 – October 22

You’re learning who you are through trial and error. It’s not easy to see yourself clearly, since no one can be that objective, but your passions, your sense of humor, your hopes and dreams — these all help you to understand yourself and where you’re going. The more that you’re able to be honest about the real you, the more success you’re likely to find right now. Figuring out the truth of who you are can be hard, but it will be worth it.


October 23 – November 21

What you’ve been avoiding may imminently become impossible to ignore. Whether you’re grappling with a literal pile of clutter in your house or a heavy emotional burden in your heart, now is the time to tackle that monster and conquer it. Even if it seems daunting at first glance, the more you ignore it, the more it will grow into the corners of your soul. Remind yourself that you’re in charge of yourself and your environment. Don’t wait for a hero — set yourself free!


November 22 – December 21

A community can nourish your personal evolution. You might be someone who goes a million miles an hour, rarely allowing yourself to slow down, but this group of people can show you how to slow down and take in any slow-moving beauty that you’ve been missing. Take a walk, read a book, admire the flowers in your neighborhood — whatever encourages you to ease up on the gas pedal and press on the brakes for a second. It’s okay to slow down.


December 22 – January 19

You might be maturing mentally in ways that you didn’t expect. While you may have had a more happy-go-lucky or naive view of the world before, you’re fully capable of seeing the world through more responsible and wiser eyes. What excites you now isn’t what excited you before, and what bores you isn’t what once bored you, either. Don’t try to cling to who you were, nor should you toss your former self aside to speed up the process. Let your soul evolve naturally.


January 20 – February 18

You might be learning about something new, but also oddly familiar. This could be a career, a hobby, an area of study, or even another person. Regardless, it’s imperative to recognize that you shouldn’t drop everything else that you have going on in favor of throwing yourself wholly into this. That being said, you will probably notice something that’s ready to cycle out of your life to make time for fresh intrigue to flourish. Bid goodbye to the old before welcoming the new.


February 19 – March 20

Soul-deep wounds can’t be healed all at once. You may want to live in pure optimism and pretend that nothing bad has ever happened or will ever happen to protect yourself from having to think about the less fun side of life. Contrastingly, you could be on the polar opposite side, being preemptively pessimistic to avoid any chance of disappointment. It’s important to work on healing your past hurts little by little, in a strategic routine, rather than trying to go all-or-nothing.


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