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The world’s longest bus ride that lasts 56 days and travels through 22 European countries

In a groundbreaking adventure that promises to redefine the limits of travel, Adventures Overland has launched an unparalleled odyssey that takes intrepid explorers on a 56-day, 12,000-kilometre ride across 22 European countries.

Kicking off in the mystical city of Istanbul, labelled the “Gateway to Europe,” this extraordinary expedition is set to shatter records, leaving the competition in its dust.

Forget about Peruvian company Ormeño’s 6,200-kilometre bus journey; Adventures Overland’s grandiose route dwarfs it by a staggering margin.

The meticulously planned bus route takes passengers on an awe-inspiring journey through the heart of Europe, winding its way through iconic cities and picturesque landscapes.

From the Balkans to Eastern Europe, passengers will be treated to captivating stops in Sofia (Bulgaria), Belgrade (Serbia), and Zagreb (Croatia), before venturing into the treasures of Eastern and Central Europe – Budapest, Bratislava, Prague, and Warsaw.

The adventure doesn’t stop there. The bus goes northward, conquering Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, crossing the Gulf of Finland on a ferry.

Passengers can then revel in the breathtaking beauty of Santa Claus Village and Nordkapp, the northernmost accessible point in continental Europe.

Gaze upon the majestic Norwegian Fjords, as the journey takes a mesmerising descent through Norway’s coastal gems – Tromso, Bergen, and Oslo, possibly witnessing the mystical northern lights.

As the expedition continues through Scandinavia, passengers will be immersed in the charms of Stockholm (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark).

The route will then traverse Western Europe, exploring the vibrant landscapes and cultures of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France.

The grand finale awaits in the bustling metropolis of London, marking the culmination of this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

This extravagant journey follows a pattern of one day of travel followed by one day off, ensuring travellers savour every moment of this epic odyssey. Covering distances between 95 and 675 kilometres per travel day, the average daily haul stands at a staggering 440 kilometres.

While the total distance covered will be a mind-boggling 12,265 km.

Indulge in the lap of luxury as the £19,000 price tag per person (plus taxes) includes all transportation, necessary visas, shared accommodation, scrumptious breakfasts, and a plethora of 30 lunches and dinners.


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