Home Finance Pension warning over 'hidden' charges that can cost you £37,000

Pension warning over 'hidden' charges that can cost you £37,000

One in two Britons are unaware they are paying annual fees to the firms who manage their pensions which can add up to tens of thousands of pounds, according to new research.

And as many as half of those who are aware of charges do not have a clue how much they add up to.

The research from Moneyfarm suggests these fees are a financial blind spot for most people.

The company said that, on average, people are paying annual charges of 2.5 percent, which it argues is way over what should be considered a reasonable amount.

It warned that costs deducted throughout the life of an investment can play an enormous part in reducing the final retirement pot.

Carina Chambers, Pensions Technical Expert at Moneyfarm, said: “We would consider annual pension fees of around 1 percent to be a reasonable amount.

“A seemingly small amount in fees can lead to significant shortfalls over the long term.

“The difference between 2.5 percent and 1 percent doesn’t seem much, but when it comes to pensions, we are talking about a large amount of money which is invested over a long period of time.

“That apparently small percentage difference therefore compounds, so the losses we are talking about can be very significant.”

As an example, she looked at a 40-year-old with a pension fund of £40,000 saved in their pot.

If they aim to retire and draw from their pension at the age of 67, with 5 percent annual growth and a 2.5 percent annual pension management charge, their pension pot could be worth £78,000 without paying in anything else.

By contrast, exactly the same pension pot with a 1 percent annual management charge could be worth £115,000. That small 1.5 percent difference could mean an extra £37,000 in your pension – a significant 48 percent difference.

In the majority of cases, pensions come with three main associated costs; fund fees, platform fees and management fees.

She said: “Frustratingly, these charges are often hidden in the small print or in footnotes of the contract.

“For that reason, you may be paying fees that you are unaware of which could be reducing the size of your pension pot.”

The company said that 39 percent of people say that pensions are one of the most financially confusing things in life, with three quarters (78 percent) feeling overwhelmed by what they are meant to do for the best.

Miss Chambers added: “We hear anecdotally, and it is backed up by this survey, that people find it hard to understand what charges they are paying on a pension scheme – even when they have the statement in front of them.

“They can be very hidden. It may be easier to think ‘why bother finding out’, but you really shouldn’t put your head in the sand.


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