Home News Monty Don shares important tomato task to achieve ‘trusses of fruit’ or...

Monty Don shares important tomato task to achieve ‘trusses of fruit’ or risk weak crop

Tomatoes can be planted outside in June as the nights are warming up and plants will soon begin to produce fruit.

In order to achieve the best crop possible, gardening expert Monty Don recommended pinching out the side shoots.

These are shoots which form between the leaves and the stem, known as side shoots.

While these do produce fruit, they can make the crop less tasty and may be smaller in size.

In a recent blog, Monty wrote: “They [side shoots] grow with extra vigour and although they do bear trusses of fruit, they take energy from the plant and reduce the overall harvest as well as making a cordon plant straggly.

“So they should be removed as they appear.

“The best way to do this is in the morning when the plant is turgid, simply breaking them off with finger and thumb.

“However, in the evening they will be limper and may tear the plant so should be cut off with a knife.”

It is important to note that bush tomatoes do not need this type of care, only cordon varieties.

When it comes to growing tomato plants heading into the summer, gardeners should avoid common mistakes or they may end up with no crop.

This includes not feeding the plant which could result in a poor or no crop at all.

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) said: “To boost fruiting, especially with plants in containers, feed every 10 to 14 days with a high potassium liquid fertiliser once the first fruits start to swell.”

Avoid over-feeding them as this can also cause problems so make sure to refer to the bottle or packet first.

Make sure to also stake large cordon varieties while bush tomatoes can benefit from a short central stake.


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