Home News Rose warning as plant could die this summer if two-minute job is...

Rose warning as plant could die this summer if two-minute job is not carried out

Aphids are sap-sucking bugs which damage roses by piercing plant tissue with their mouth and sucking out sap from the plant.

This process can drastically weaken the plant and cause it to lose water and nutrients.

This makes it more susceptible to other diseases and pests, or they may even kill the plant if left unchecked.

The experts at Barnsdale Gardens said: “As organic gardeners the team’s most important weapon against pest and disease is vigilance.”

Catching both pests and diseases as soon as they appear can make controlling them much easier.

The pros added: “At this time of year the roses are very succulent and a real feast for aphids, so as soon as these are spotted, start to spray with environmentally friendly washing-up liquid, diluted in water.”

The experts recommended a ratio of one teaspoon of washing-up liquid per three litres of water.

Using this homemade spray will help to break down their outer protective coating and they then succumb to the general environment.

The pros continued: “Spraying before they have a chance to lay eggs is important, as the spray will not kill the eggs, so you would have to respray every seven to 10 days.”

Make sure to check roses every time you water them so action can be taken before a huge population takes control.

Symptoms your rose plant has aphids include green or pink insects which cluster on the flower buds, shoot tips and foliage.

Gardeners should also look for white cast aphid skins which are often seen on infested flower buds and leaves.

Flower buds and foliage may be covered in a sticky honeydew which aphids often excrete as well as black sooty moulds.

According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), natural enemies will normally reduce by late summer.

Pests such as spider mites are more active in warm conditions during the summer so make sure to check throughout the entire blooming season.


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