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Remove moss from lawns with gardener's 3-step solution that helps grass grow back thick

Moss on a lawn can be incredibly frustrating to deal with as it appears to spread uncontrollably, but the answer is not to first use a chemical moss killer.

Olivia Ball, a gardening expert from Envii has shared that moss is often caused by underlying issues in the soil and that not treating the root issue will only cause more damage to a lawn.

She said: “In established lawns, some detective work is required to understand the root cause of the problem and why the moss is growing.”

Once moss is on a lawn, it competes against grass for water and nutrients, so needs to be dealt with swiftly if you do not want a yellowing or patchy lawn this summer.

How to get rid of moss on your lawn

The first step to removing moss from your lawn for good is to figure out how moss can thrive in the grass, as it can often only grow in poor-quality soil.

What causes moss to grow?

Moss on lawns is often caused by the soil being too moist or too compact, but it can also be caused by too much shade covering the lawn, which makes it more difficult for the grass to photosynthesise.

Olivia said: “A lack of sunlight can also make it harder for an area of land to dry out. To increase the amount of sunlight reaching your lawn, consider removing branches and bushes that are casting a shadow over your turf.”

It can also be caused by cutting the grass too short, which will cause it to become weak and patchy. Olivia said: “A thick layer of foliage over the soil ensures there is no room for moss to grow. Change the setting on your lawn mower so that the grass isn’t cut as short.”

Treating the moss

Once you have figured out the main cause you will need to treat the moss, then scarify and aerate your lawn to make sure the soil underneath is healthy.

The best way to treat moss naturally on a lawn is to make a homemade moss killer using a dish soap and water mixture, which will be able to penetrate the moss to quickly dehydrate it and kill it off.

Olivia said: “A soap-based moss killer is a preferred method by most lawn owners. Mix 60ml of dish soap with four and a half litres of water and fill it up in a spray bottle.

“Spray over any patches of moss that are present. Hold the bottle a couple of inches away and spray the area until it is completely drenched.”

Some lawn owners prefer to use a vinegar or citric acid solution, which will also help dry out the moss to kill it off. However, once you have treated the moss you will need to make sure it cannot grow back by making sure your lawn is not waterclogged or compact.

Scarify your lawn

Grass needs to be able to photosynthesis to grow, and will not be able to do so if in compacted soil, which makes the ground hard and can allow moss to thrive.

Moss is also largely made of water and can only grow in moist areas with poor drainage, and can be caused by too much thatch in the grass. Tharch is a plant material that grows underneath grass and stores lots of moisture, which can cause a lawn to become unhealthy and allow moss to grow.

Olivia said: “To know if you have poor drainage, think about when you last had heavy rainfall. Was the water sitting on top of your lawn or did it sink in quickly?”

The best way to remove moss on a poor-draining lawn is to take a rake or mechanical scarifier across your lawn to pull out the thatch and moss.

Thatch causes a lawn to become clogged and getting rid of it will allow grass to breathe to have more access to nutrients and sunlight, meaning it will grow back thicker and more robust.

Olivia said: “The dead moss that has been raked off can be added to compost although it can be slow to break down in bulk.”

Aerate your lawn 

Once you have sacrificed a lawn you will need to aerate it to loosen up the soil to make sure compaction is not causing the moss.

Aerating is very simple as all you have to do is poke holes into the lawn soil to allow air, water and other nutrients to reach the grass roots.

This will help improve drainage and help the grass grow healthier as it allows stale carbon dioxide to be released from the soil while more air gets to the roots.


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