Home News Readers sound off on offshore wind projects, Diddy’s assault and Hannah Arendt

Readers sound off on offshore wind projects, Diddy’s assault and Hannah Arendt

NYC deserves a more serious energy transition

Brooklyn: When people think of offshore wind, they usually think of the ocean. But the industry has the potential to drive economic growth everywhere — especially in New York City.

Until last month, we were on track to see significant economic benefits from two of the three offshore wind projects that were provisionally awarded state contracts in October. One was going to connect to the electric grid in Queens, the other in Brooklyn.

Unfortunately, none of the projects that received provisional awards in October were able to finalize their contracts, after a major supplier chosen by the state Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) fell through on its commitments. NYSERDA is preparing for a new solicitation, but the draft version the agency released does not fix the problems that caused this failure. Even worse, it limits the number of projects that could connect in New York City to only one.

This cap would not only deprive either Queens or Brooklyn of the jobs and community investments we were promised, it would also limit the amount of clean energy coming into New York City. At a time when New Yorkers are suffering from some of the worst asthma rates in the country because of our city’s reliance on fossil fuels, we should be doing everything we can to bring clean energy to the city, not restricting its growth.

New York City deserves the jobs and clean energy we were promised. As NYSERDA continues working to meet the state’s climate and clean energy targets, the agency needs to ensure it is setting new projects up for success, and give every project a fair opportunity to be built, regardless of where it will connect to the grid. Randy Peers, president and CEO, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce

No confidence

Manhattan: Re “Randy Mastro deserves a fair vote” (editorial, May 23): Nah. Why do white men get to fall up? This horse’s behind helped screw a quarter-million city workers! He gets another job to help screw folks? Really? Joe Garrett


Glendale: So, P. Diddy, or whatever his name is, showed exactly what he is. The video of him beating his girlfriend (or whatever their relationship was) showed us exactly what he is (there are several names that could be used, however, I want to keep this clean). I only wish that Diddy had tried his stunt on someone his own size. However, we know that people like him wouldn’t dare do so since they would lose control. What a shame that the statute of limitations has run out on this crime. He may have a lot of money; unfortunately, he doesn’t have class. In fact, his money bought the silence he desired. A real man would never hit a woman. Thomas Murawski

Rule shirkers

Brooklyn: Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas are all men of privilege who live by a different set of rules than the rest of us. Trump, indicted by four different grand juries in four jurisdictions for a total of 91 counts; Rudy, ex-mayor, ex-U.S. attorney indicted by two different grand juries in two states; Alito and Thomas are what’s wrong with our judicial system — Alito’s upside down flag hanging outside his house; Thomas’s $260,000 RV loan he doesn’t pay, his mother living in a house rent-free in a home Thomas sold to a rich Republican donor, among other things. When will these guys pay for their crimes? You or I would be locked up for less. They are all living the high life. Harvey Kaplan

Abandoned stance

Peters Township, Pa.: If the phrase “flip-flop” appears in the dictionary, it should be accompanied by a picture of failed Republican presidential candidate nominee Nikki Haley. Toward the end of her ill-fated campaign to secure the nomination this year, she went on the attack against opponent Donald Trump, accurately reinforcing the many reasons he must not be returned to the White House. Haley often cited that “chaos follows him.” That is putting it mildly. Many fair-minded individuals praised Haley for her honesty and courage in taking on and sharply criticizing a behemoth. Now we find that it was all an act. That brief period of decency and patriotism has evaporated as Haley pledges to vote for him. Haley has sold out, choosing politics over principle. She will not be seen in the annals of history as a national leader who can stand tall. Oren Spiegler

Single-issue voters

Brooklyn: Despite the comic relief, the polls are not a laughing matter. They still favor Trump in almost all swing states. The economy is the main issue and a true paradox if there ever was one. It is also an incredible disconnect with record growth, low unemployment, rising wages, even inflation starting to come down. Yet, most Americans feel the economy is terrible and that Trump can do a better job with it. Unbelievably, with all of Trump’s baggage — his criminality, anti-democracy tendencies and wrong-headed policies — he is leading in the polls in the states that matter as he sits in a courtroom day after day. Nothing seems to matter except consumer prices for everyday goods and services. Just how amoral are Americans these days with so much at stake as never before? Irwin Cantos

Publicity stunt

Tarrytown, N.Y.: To Voicer Steve Chaddock: Aside from Trump’s disastrous policies, you mention he attended the funeral of Detective Jonathan Diller, which served him as a political opportunity that one could see on its face was a photo op. I ask you one question: Did he attend the funerals of the five Capitol Police officers who his rally cry for insurrection caused? I think not. So, I guess according to you, I’m a fool for choosing the better man, President Biden. Adam Reich

Lacks character

Pasadena, Calif.: “Character is destiny. A man’s temperament, knowledge, and integrity inevitably shape his conduct.” — David French. Trump’s lack of character chased off his best advisers. Gen. Jim Mattis is long gone. He resigned after Trump’s first attempt to destroy the American alliance with Syrian Kurds by allowing Turkey to attack our allies. White House Counsel Don McGahn is long gone. He arguably saved Trump’s presidency by refusing to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. John Kelly is gone because he could no longer tolerate Trump’s outrageous ignorance. H.R. McMaster is gone — you figure out why, knowing that Time magazine lauded McMaster in 2014 as possibly “the 21st Century Army’s pre-eminent warrior-thinker.” The list goes on and on! Richard A. French

Enhanced records

East Northport, L.I.: When Mark McGuire supposedly broke Roger Maris’ single-season record of 61 home runs, he didn’t really break it. McGuire came out and said he was using performance-enhancing drugs. Then Barry Bonds breaks McGuire’s record of 70 home runs, hitting almost 80. You just don’t do that when you’re almost 40. You should be slowing down at that age, unless you’re getting help from PEDs. Alfred Wooley

Sounds doubtful

Bronx: I pick up the Daily News every day and read it with my morning coffee. Unfortunately, all I see are crimes being committed by individuals they categorize as being due to mental illnesses. I understand that mental illness is a big problem in this country, but can it be that every crime is due to that? I really don’t think so. I believe the people who commit these crimes know that if they use the mental illness card, they will get away with it. Fran Boffa

Predictable conflict

Carpinteria, Calif.: “And even if the Jews were to win the war… the ‘victorious’ Jews would live surrounded by an entirely hostile Arab population, secluded inside ever-threatened borders, absorbed with physical self-defense… And all this would be the fate of a nation that — no matter how many immigrants it could still absorb and how far it extended its boundaries — would still remain a very small people greatly outnumbered by hostile neighbors.” This warning came from the Jewish political scientist Hannah Arendt, who understood the perils of establishing a state against the will of local inhabitants and the surrounding nations. Secular and religious Jewish thinkers alike had feared that David Ben Gurion’s version of Zionism would endanger both physical and spiritual survival of the Jews. Let’s remember, even centuries before the fall of Jerusalem to the Roman Empire (A.D. 70), 3.5 million Jews lived in diaspora while only half a million resided in Palestine. Matt McLaughlin


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