Home Life & Style 3p household ingredient can cure damaged plants during summer

3p household ingredient can cure damaged plants during summer

Did you know that plants can experience being sunburnt like humans?

Instead of turning red or purple, household plants change from a rich vibrant green colour to a yellow, white or brown shade and if left untreated could result in plant death.

Luckily, a gardening expert has revealed a key ingredient you can find in your house or at any supermarket that can cure your plants from dying out and it only costs 3p. 

Elise Harlock, a brand manager at Prestige Flowers, suggests that plain, unsweetened yoghurt is a miracle cure that can save your plants.

She said: “Yoghurt contains probiotics that promote healthy microbial activity, essential for nutrient absorption and overall plant health.” 

The probiotics form a protective layer on the surface of the plant, safeguarding it from additional UV damage and boosting its natural defences. She added: “It’s like a soothing balm for the plant. It not only protects but also aids in recovery.”

When choosing what type of yoghurt, Elise suggests a Greek yoghurt due to its thicker consistency and higher concentration of beneficial bacteria. Elise continued: “This makes it easier to apply and more potent in its healing properties.”  

However, gardeners should not simply apply the yoghurt directly to the plants, Elise advises making a solution of one part yoghurt with three parts water – using one tablespoon of yoghurt for every three tablespoons of water.

You should stir the mixture until fully dissolved, then transfer it to a clean spray bottle. Apply the solution during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening.

Elise said: “This timing ensures the leaves absorb the mixture without it evaporating too quickly. Apply the solution generously over sunburnt leaves every few days for about two weeks, monitoring closely for new growth.”

This solution works best on plants like hydrangeas and hostas, which are prone to sunburn due to their large, delicate leaves but is also great for vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers due to their large leaves. 

The yoghurt not only nourishes but also strengthens plant cell walls, making them more resilient to future stress. She said: “The calcium in yoghurt is particularly beneficial, fortifying the plant from the inside out.”

A tub of yoghurt costs around £1.10 from Tesco, so this solution should cost roughly 3p a go.

The expert concluded: “Using something as simple as yoghurt allows gardeners to take a holistic approach, creating a healthy environment where plants can thrive.”


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